Care Anywhere:
Smart Biosensors to Promote Healthy Aging and Transform Healthcare
News & Events
- VCHRI Spotlight features Care AnywhereNew healthy aging program to supercharge digital health for seniors. As Canada’s population continues to age, wearable and nearable biosensing technology could help fill care gaps. Read the full article on Care Anywhere from VCHRI

Care Anywhere is a graduate training program funded under NSERC’s CREATE program that aims to train a multidisciplinary group of graduate students to develop, deploy, and evaluate the impact of smart biosensing technologies used to improve the quality of life for older adults & those with chronic diseases.
This program is open to graduate students from a wide variety of backgrounds – engineering, computer science, physical and occupational therapy, etc. The program is funded from September 2023 through to August 2029.
Care Anywhere Graduate Training Program
Learn more about our interdisciplinary training program which links academia, the healthcare system, and industry to train research students to develop and use biosensing technologies to have strong impacts on patient care.

Funding Details & Applying
Learn how Care Anywhere can support your work as a graduate student, postdoctoral fellow, or undergraduate student, as well as how to apply.
Next funding rounds: Summer 2025 (undergrad placements) and Fall 2025 (graduate students and postdocs).