Care Anywhere offers the following opportunities:
- Graduate Students – open to students from a variety of disciplines including both those in the Natural Sciences and Engineering (e.g., engineering, computer science, kinesiology) and those in more clinical fields (physical therapy, nursing, etc.). Graduate student applicants interested in Care Anywhere should reach out to a faculty member affiliated with Care Anywhere to discuss applying. Typically students will be invited to apply to a graduate program appropriate to their background and then jointly with their proposed supervisor to submit an application to Care Anywhere.
- Undergraduate Students – Care Anywhere offers support for summer research placements with faculty members affiliated with Care Anywhere. These awards will be available for May to August. Students interested in such placements should reach out to their proposed supervisor in January or February to discuss applying. Students eligible for NSERC USRA awards should apply for these awards as well.
- Postdoctoral Fellows – Doctoral students or recent graduates interested in a postdoctoral fellowship (PDF) position should reach out to a faculty member affiliated with Care Anywhere. A limited number of fractional PDF appointments are available to support PDFs in participating in Care Anywhere activities such as the multidisciplinary project course (e.g., as project advisors), the seminar series, and the professional skills and mentoring program.
Contact Us for opportunities to get involved with the program.

Nomination Form for Supervisors
Supervisors are to complete the nomination form for prospective Care Anywhere students. Admissions submitted outside of the above timeline will be accepted until the program is filled.
For further information, please reach out to us using the button below: